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NHS Scotland


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Courtesy of NHS Scotland, you have unlimited access to:

Download the award-winning BMJ Best Practice app

Use the BMJ Best Practice app to find answers quickly online or offline. Access is available to everyone as part of NHS Education for Scotland subscription.

Watch a quick video on how to download the BMJ Best Practice app via OpenAthens:

How to Download the app

  1. Visit the BMJ Best Practice website and log in through your institution via OpenAthens.
  2. Click ‘Create account‘ for a personal account or 'Log in' if you already have one.
  3. Visit your Apple or Google Play store, search for ‘BMJ Best Practice’ and download app.
  4. Use your BMJ Best Practice ‘personal account’ details to sign in and download the content.

Fast access to clinical decision support anytime, anywhere

BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information. Our step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.

How to Access

  1. You can access BMJ Best Practice either via the Knowledge Network, or via OpenAthens.
  2. To access via OpenAthens, Click on 'Access BMJ Best Practice' button below.
  3. Select the 'Access through your institution' option and sign in with your OpenAthens account credentials.
  4. Once you have logged in, create your free personal account.
  5. Then visit Google Play or the App store to download the award-winning app.
  6. To access via the Knowledge Network whilst on NHS premises, visit
  7. Then select your preferred BMJ resource.

BMJ Best Practice | How to get started

Watch tutorial videos

1. How to access BMJ Best Practice via your institution’s network

2. How to download the BMJ Best Practice app

3. Searching and browsing on BMJ Best Practice

4. Important Updates on BMJ Best Practice


Join a live webinar – 30 minutes

Book your training session


Join one of our training sessions, designed to demonstrate the use of BMJ Best Practice which answers any clinical questions and supports decision making at the point of care. 


Search the world's largest collection of clinical case reports.

Get published in the world’s largest online repository of case reports. BMJ Case Reports is an award winning journal that delivers a focused, peer-reviewed, valuable collection of cases in all disciplines. All NHS Scotland faculty, staff and students can submit and publish case reports.

How to Access

  1. Click on 'Access BMJ Case Reports' button below.
  2. Select 'Log in via OpenAthens' option.
  3. Enter your OpenAthens username and password credentials.

Specialty flyers with quick links

Essential resources for healthcare professionals and medical students.

Topic flyers with quick links to relevant content from:

  1. BMJ Best Practice
  2. BMJ Journals
  3. BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Access Support

If you need any additional support please contact BMJ Customer Services or NHS Scotland Knowledge Services.