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Research integrity

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BMJ’s research integrity and publication ethics team have a broad remit, including advising on major errors and scientific misconduct affecting the work that we publish.

This involves developing policies to improve the integrity of our content, voicing those policies, providing training for editors and influencing publication ethics beyond BMJ at conferences, and participating in publishing committees.

Practical strategies for editors

We recently developed a visual summary illustrating the cycle of injustice. It complements the guide for editors, which gives practical strategies to advance equity, diversity and inclusion. It was recently adopted as a formal part of the American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications e-learning course curriculum and supplementary guide for ACS journal editors on practical strategies to advance equity, diversity and inclusion.

Safeguarding the integrity of science

In May 2022, BMJ collaborated with over 15 leading publishers by becoming an official participating member of the STM Integrity Hub, a potentially powerful platform being built to detect integrity
issues in manuscripts submitted for publication to scholarly journals. Representatives from BMJ are part of the collaboration group looking at Image Manipulation Detection, and play a key role on the
Governance board for the project.


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Integrity in research means conducting and producing research that is honest, rigorous, transparent and open, and undertaken with care and respect. 

At BMJ, we actively promote ethical conduct among scientists around the world by giving researchers and institutions a safe platform to share their research or raise concerns.

Honesty, accountability, professionalism, and stewardship

Our dedicated research integrity team applies the Singapore statement's core principles to all their interactions with authors who choose to publish within The BMJ or any of our BMJ journals collections of specialty titles. 

From publishing research to investigating and responding to allegations of misconduct, we always treat researchers and institutions fairly and courteously so that they have a safe platform to share their research or raise concerns. We do this collectively by working in partnership with editors and publishing staff on all issues related to research integrity, at every stage of the publication process.

These processes mean that readers, researchers, and funders can be assured that manuscripts published by BMJ have passed the most rigorous review for ethical standards and research integrity.  

"I am reaching out because, we have continuously come back to your page on ‘Five things you should do as a journal editor to support social justice’ – particularly the graphic on the cycle of injustice. This visual is quite impactful and will aid in our efforts for editors to understand how their journal strategies and decisions affect the broader research ecosystem.” Shaina Lange, Manager, Publishing Integrity Office Global Editorial Operations, Journals Publishing Group, American Chemical Society